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Step 1 / 12


this is after collecting

the bush was about 1.5 meter

Step 2 / 12

This is the planting stage

Cutting part of the branches that were clearly not part of any design option

about 50% of the roots were cut ( I prefer to do this drastically and not loose the tree after I devoted 2-3 years :) )

Step 3 / 12

Marking the areas to be carved out

Step 4 / 12

The planning stage

Step 5 / 12


The carving process using first Makita to remove a lot of the wood and then the dremel for the fine work

Step 6 / 12


The Burning stage

Step 7 / 12

Example of when removing a branch, the technique of working on it

Step 8 / 12


Need to decide what will be the main front...
What would you pick ?

Step 9 / 12

Step 10 / 12


Re-potting to a bonsai pot

about 50% of the roots were cut for this stage

Step 11 / 12


More carving of the ded wood...

Wait minute...isn't the pot too big ???

Step 12 / 12


Re-potting to a smaller bonsai pot

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