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Step 1 / 10

We cut the extruded polyurethane to the shape of the beam

We mark and cut the place where the 2 beam will be connected

Step 2 / 10

Use a sandpaper to prepare the material for the work

Step 3 / 10

Use the wire brush to do weathering of the beam by giving it an interesting texture

Step 4 / 10

use the knife to engrave and give it a worn look

The last picture shows how it looks after this step ( the figurine is just for reference )

Step 5 / 10

Color the beam with the raw umber color

Step 6 / 10

Paint the cracks in the beam with black color to give it nuance

Step 7 / 10

Paint some spots randomly on the beam using the raw sieena color

Step 8 / 10

Cut 2 more pieces of the extruded polyurethane, paint them and glue them in place to hold the other beam

Step 9 / 10

Use small iron nails

Step 10 / 10

This is the final look of the wooden beam

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To see how the stone water well was created - see the guide :

To see how the Bucket was created - see the guide :

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