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Victoria Mock
55 years

Favorite Art: Figure modelling

Making figures is a wonderful form of expression and creativity. I love using all sorts of media in one piece while sometimes incorporating found objects and materials and using them for a different purpose then what it was intended for, making something magical and beautiful.

My Portfolio

You are most welcome to enjoy my public portfolio:

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About me

Originally hailing from Southern New Jersey, award-winning artist Victoria Mock is primarily known for her one-of-a-kind hand sculpted figures and Art Dolls. Based in Mythology, Cryptozoology, Fantasy, and Sci-fi, and beyond, her work resides in private collections throughout the US, Europe, Asia. Now residing in Arizona, she currently accepts commissions.

Her experience as an actor, make-up artist, and a photographer's assistant allows her to incorporate these skills into her one-of-a-kind figures. She also happily reports that she is lending her prop-making skills to the Phoenix-based production company, Merninja Productions, in which is also an executive producer for the web-series "Unicorn Hunters". Ok,enough of all that officially-type stuff....basically, she makes silly things with her hands.

Quotes that inspire me

“Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.”
― Neil Gaiman via Andy Warhol

My Personal Website

you are invited to learn more about me on the following website: